
Bacon Hot Sauce

This looks like an epic combination of two taste bud ticklers, bacon and hot sauce. At 7.99 I say why not. Here is what ThinkGeek has to say about it.

Two great things that taste great together

Let's think of matches made in heaven. Chocolate and peanut butter. Peanut butter and jelly. Jelly and cream cheese. Cream cheese and sugar (aka, cream cheese frosting). Sugar and anything. Anything and bacon. It's been said that there's nothing that can't be improved by the addition of bacon and here at ThinkGeek, we're determined to test that hypothesis as rigorously as possible. We've tried just about every new bacon product on the market and share the very best with you, our bestest friends.

Bacon Hot Sauce combines two things near and dear to our hearts - bacon and hot sauce. You know the expression "When Pigs Fly"? That's what chicken wings dipped in Bacon Hot Sauce taste like. Impossibly good. Piglets sprouting scrumptious flying appendages good. Bacon Hot Sauce is also amazing mixed into hamburgers or sprinkled on some otherwise lackluster pizza. But our all-time favorite is the Bacon Mary, made with tomato juice, vodka, Bacon Hot Sauce, and a spritz of fresh lemon juice. And instead of a celery stick for garnish, we stick in a crisp slice of bacon. Perfection.

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