
Delicious Dinner Tonight

The other day I stopped by the local Haggen's meat department for some dinner. We were having sausages but I was enticed by the Gorgonzola Angus Beef Patties they had. I picked one up along with the sausages and a pound of their pepper bacon. I had some pepper bacon left over and decided it was time to create a burger.

I started cooking the bacon up in the frying pan and dropped in the patty. Almost every burger I see on Drive-ins, Diners and Dives is cooked on a flat grill so I decided to bypass the BBQ tonight. I toasted up some sourdough bread spread on a little mayo and I was set.

The burger/gorgonzola was delicious, the frying pan put a nice crust on it (the bacon grease probably helped too!) The bacon was delicious and the toasted sourdough made it a completely perfect burger. I can't really think of how to improve this one...maybe more bacon...

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